понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


A value of t means to prepend the lisp kernel binary that the lisp started with. Ignored for listener sockets. It also risks creating deadlock if used improperly, for instance, if the process being suspended owns a lock or other resource which another process will wait for. Incremental coverage deltas are represented differently than the full coverage snapshots returned by functions such as ccl: Basically, it's apt-get for Lisp. The pathname-type of the output file and of each input file defaults to the current platform's fasl file type see Platform-specific filename conventions. ccl lisp

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Paul Graham's book On Lispa fine book on advanced Lisp, is out of print. As of Unicode 5.

Hash tables are surprisingly complicated. When Hemlock is being used, listener windows are editor windows, so in addition to each "Listener" thread, you should also see a thread which handles Hemlock command processing. It's certainly possible that programs written for cooperatively scheduled lisps that have run reliably for a long time have done so by accident: Evaluates form whenever the function being traced is about to be entered, and inhibits the entry trace actions if form returns nil.

If argument is a plist, the result of apply 'make-external-format argument will be used.

ccl lisp

Here are a couple more examples cco addition to the above examples of watching a string and a standard-instance. If valueform is a function, it is called, with no arguments, in the execution environment of the newly-created thread; the primary lsp it returns is used for the binding of the corresponding symbol.

Do not use either one. To see multiple forms, use values: The default is NIL. As with process-allow-scheduleit's almost always more efficient to wait for some specific event to occur; this isn't exactly busy-waiting, but the OS scheduler can do a better job of scheduling if it's given the relevant information.

Getting Clozure CL

Norvig has provided the source code on his web page. This hash table can then be passed lizp ccl: Given a displaced array like the value returned by map-file-to-ivectorthe function array-displacement returns the underlying array and the displacement index in elements. Looking at a backtrace would presumably show what object and slot name were written. One nice thing about it is that you can build the Lisp in under a minute.

ccl lisp

The names of all local variables are available in a backtrace. The uvector index lispp directly to the vector index:. So, Clozure can offer paid support for it, or you can hire me to do whatever you want to with Clozure CL. Returns the delta of coverage since the last reset of incremental coverage.

Encodes string or the substring of it delimited by start and end into vector according to external-format. Clozure CL provides facilities which enable multiple threads of execution threadssometimes called lightweight processes or just listhough the latter term shouldn't be confused with the OS's notion of a process within a lisp session.

A few restarts are provided: Clojure is a Lisp of sorts which is designed to directly target the Java Virtual Machine. Common Lisp allows us to make such an assertion via a dynamic-extent declaration; Clozure CL's compiler can recognize the primitive macptr-creating operation involved and can replace it with an equivalent operation that stack-allocates the macptr object.

ccl lisp

If the process doesn't terminate normally and no default argument is provided, signals an error. A few commonly-used encodings are described here.

‎Clozure CL on the Mac App Store

Clozure CL provides a reasonably straightforward way to translate a lisp native namestring into a C-style string suitable for passing to a foreign function. Executes body in an environment with that access. For a listener socket, specifies the number of connections which can be pending but not accepted. If you've loaded foo.

This inconsistency should probably be corrected. Specifically, a pointer to an: If condition is non-NIL, process-abort does not consider any handlers which are explicitly bound to conditions other than condition.

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